Mark Swimelar has 14 unclaimed property records in New York

What Unclaimed Funds are Waiting for Mark Swimelar in NY?

Mark Swimelar has 14 Unclaimed Property Records waiting to claim. The claims come from 8 years, beginning with 2012 and ending with 2022. Twelve organizations owe Mark Swimelar funds, including Wells Fargo Home Mortgage and Venio Llc Dba Keane. Five different unclaimed property types make up the claims, including "ESCROW FUNDS" and "OUTSTANDING CHECKS ISSUED TO VENDORS".

New York does not disclose the amount of claims, but the average claim was $2,300 as of September 2023.

Owner Name/Address On Unclaimed Property Money Owed From / Year Reported Property Type
Swimelar Mark W:
Syracuse, NY
Venio LLC DBA Keane - reported in 2022 Outstanding Checks Issued To Vendors
Swimelar Mark W:
Syracuse, NY
Synchrony Bank - reported in 2019 Amts Due For Undelivered Goods/Services
Swimelar Mark W:
Syracuse, NY
Hsbc Bank Usa Na Holder 03 - reported in 2018 Cashier, Teller Checks
Swimelar Mark W:
Syracuse, NY
Hsbc Finance Corp (Holder 10) - reported in 2016 Amts Due For Undelivered Goods/Services
Swimelar Mark W:
Syracuse, NY
Capital One - reported in 2015 Amts Due For Undelivered Goods/Services
Swimelar Mark W:
Syracuse, NY
Hsbc Finance Corp - reported in 2015 Amts Due For Undelivered Goods/Services
Swimelar Mark W:
Syracuse, NY
Pitney Bowes Inc - reported in 2015 Amts Due For Undelivered Goods/Services
Swimelar Mark W:
Syracuse, NY
Wells Fargo Bank - reported in 2015 Credit Balances: Consumer Credit Accts
Swimelar Mark W:
Syracuse, NY
Capital One Services LLC - reported in 2014 Amts Due For Undelivered Goods/Services
Swimelar Mark W:
Syracuse, NY
Hsbc Finance Corp (Holder 10) - reported in 2013 Amts Due For Undelivered Goods/Services
Swimelar Mark W:
Syracuse, NY
Ally Financial Inc - reported in 2012 Amts Due For Undelivered Goods/Services
Swimelar Mark W:
Syracuse, NY
Citibank - reported in 2012 Amts Due For Undelivered Goods/Services
Swimelar Mark W:
Syracuse, NY
Citibank - reported in 2012 Amts Due For Undelivered Goods/Services
Swimelar Mark W:
Syracuse, NY
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage - reported in 2012 Escrow Funds

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