We founded LostPropertyFinder.com to give people free money. Everyone should get the money rightfully owed to them, and we aim to do everything we can to make that happen. Claiming your money sometimes means getting things notarized, finding proof that you lives somewhere a decade ago and other tough, annoying things. Once you file your claim, the states make you wait up to six months to get paid. Who wants to wait that long? For many claims we can offer payment on the next busines day via a giftcard delivered to your email.
Some "finder firms" in the unclaimed property world will try to trick you into believing that you can ONLY file a claim through them. That's not us. We're up front and honest through the whole process, and clearly state that at any time you can go through the state's claim process. We do take a small fee for our service, but we think it's worth it. We make the claim process incredibly easy and simple, and can pay within a day for many claims.
We started LostPropertyFinder.com with decades of experience in software, state legal regulations, payment processing, postal logistics and regulations, identity verification and fraud prevention. At prior companies we specialized in storage of highly sensitive personal and financial documents like medical records, bank statements, drivers license photos, utility statements, and social security documents.
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