Property Stefan D has 7 unclaimed property records in New York

What Unclaimed Funds are Waiting for Property Stefan D in NY?

Property Stefan D has 7 Unclaimed Property Records waiting to claim. The claims all come from 2016. The claims are all owed by Consolidated Edison Inc. Two different unclaimed property types make up the claims, including "CASH DIVIDENDS (OTHER THAN ADR)" and "DISTRIBUTIONS FROM OWNERS INT (NON-ADR)".

New York does not disclose the amount of claims, but the average claim was $2,300 as of September 2023.

Owner Name/Address On Unclaimed Property Money Owed From / Year Reported Property Type
Property Stefan D:
Syracuse, NY
Consolidated Edison Inc - reported in 2016 Distributions From Owners Int (Non Adr)
Property Stefan D:
Syracuse, NY
Consolidated Edison Inc - reported in 2016 Distributions From Owners Int (Non Adr)
Property Stefan D:
Syracuse, NY
Consolidated Edison Inc - reported in 2016 Distributions From Owners Int (Non Adr)
Property Stefan D:
Syracuse, NY
Consolidated Edison Inc - reported in 2016 Distributions From Owners Int (Non Adr)
Property Stefan D:
Syracuse, NY
Consolidated Edison Inc - reported in 2016 Distributions From Owners Int (Non Adr)
Property Stefan D:
Syracuse, NY
Consolidated Edison Inc - reported in 2016 Distributions From Owners Int (Non Adr)
Property Stefan D:
Syracuse, NY
Consolidated Edison Inc - reported in 2016 Cash Dividends (Other Than Adr)

If You Own Or Work At Property Stefan D, Here Is How To File Your Claim

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