John Wright has 19 unclaimed property records in New York

What Unclaimed Funds are Waiting for John Wright in NY?

John Wright has 19 Unclaimed Property Records waiting to claim. The claims come from 9 years, beginning with 2012 and ending with 2022. Twelve organizations owe John Wright funds, including Sears Roebuck & Co and Office Of The State Comptroller. Nine different unclaimed property types make up the claims, including "DEATH CLAIMS" and "NYS UNCASHED CHECKS".

New York does not disclose the amount of claims, but the average claim was $2,300 as of September 2023.

Owner Name/Address On Unclaimed Property Money Owed From / Year Reported Property Type
Wright John A:
Bronx, NY
Office Of The State Comptroller - reported in 2022 NYS Uncashed Checks
Wright John A:
East Rockaway, NY
Condor Captial Qsf - reported in 2020 Amts Due For Undelivered Goods/Services
Wright John A:
Pittsford, NY
Hsa Bank - reported in 2020 Savings Accounts
Wright John A:
Albany, NY
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC - reported in 2020 Mutual Funds/Dividend Reinvest Book Shrs
Wright John A:
Albany, NY
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC - reported in 2020 Mutual Funds/Dividend Reinvest Book Shrs
Wright John A:
Albany, NY
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC - reported in 2020 Mutual Funds/Dividend Reinvest Book Shrs
Wright John A:
Albany, NY
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC - reported in 2020 Cred Bal W/Trusts,Brokers,Invst Firms
Wright John A:
Albany, NY
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC - reported in 2020 Mutual Funds/Dividend Reinvest Book Shrs
Wright John A:
Albany, NY
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC - reported in 2020 Mutual Funds/Dividend Reinvest Book Shrs
Wright John A:
Albany, NY
Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC - reported in 2020 Mutual Funds/Dividend Reinvest Book Shrs
Wright John A:
New York, NY
Group Health Incorporated - reported in 2019 Refunds/Other Amts Due Under Policy Term
Wright John A:
Pottersville, NY
NYS Dept Of Tax & Finance - reported in 2018 NYS Uncashed Checks
Wright John A:
Albany, NY
American Express Fsb2 - reported in 2017 Savings Accounts
Wright John A:
Albany, NY
NYS Dept Of Tax & Finance - reported in 2017 NYS Uncashed Checks
Wright John A:
New York, NY
Bank Of America - reported in 2015 Credit Balances: Consumer Credit Accts
Wright John A:
New York, NY
Citibank - reported in 2014 Demand Deposit Account(s)
Wright John A:
Warwick, NY
Jhusa - reported in 2014 Death Claims
Wright John A:
Brooklyn, NY
Fia Card Services - reported in 2013 Credit Balances: Consumer Credit Accts
Wright John A:
Schroon Lake, NY
Sears Roebuck & Company - reported in 2012 Amts Due For Undelivered Goods/Services

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